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- GNU Copyright by Harish Pillay h.pillay@ieee.org 1996
- The following is an example of a setup I have running on many machines that
- allow automatic installation of diald upon boot-up. When a connection request
- comes along, it automatically dials up my preferred ISP, Pacific Internet
- here in Singapore.
- Many thanks to Eric Schenk for the super tool diald.
- /etc/rc.d/rc.local
- #! /bin/sh
- # Put any local setup commands in here
- # Running gpm
- echo "Running gpm..."
- gpm -t ms &
- # starting innd
- /etc/rc.d/rc.news
- # starting CERN httpd
- echo "Starting CERN httpd with proxy and caching."
- /usr/local/bin/httpd
- # loading modules that are needed
- /etc/rc.d/rc.modules
- # starting diald
- echo "Starting diald daemon to Pacific Internet ..."
- cd /usr/lib/ppp
- /usr/lib/ppp/diald.pacific.internet
- /usr/lib/ppp/diald.pacific.internet
- /usr/sbin/diald /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS1 lock debug 20 -m ppp local \
- remote defaultroute modem crtscts \
- connect "chat -v -f /usr/lib/ppp/pppchat.pi" \
- dynamic -- debug noipdefault
- /usr/lib/ppp/pppchat.pi
- "" ATZ OK
- ATm1s50=255s111=0DT1-800-555-1212
- Blind PPP script
- * Fire up minicom.
- * Connect up to your provider.
- * invoke PPP on the other end.
- * Suspend minicom (alt-A-J).
- * invoke the following script
- #!/bin/sh
- # Set up a PPP link blindly - script called blind.ppp
- DEVICE=ttyS1
- (
- stty 38400 -tostop
- pppd -detach debug noipdefault defaultroute mru 1500 /dev/$DEVICE &
- exit 0
- ) /dev/$DEVICE
- My /etc/diald.conf file (unchanged from stock distribution):
- # This is a pretty complicated set of filter rules.
- # (These are the rules I use myself.)
- #
- # I've divided the rules up into four sections.
- # TCP packets, UDP packets, ICMP packets and a general catch all rule
- # at the end.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Rules for TCP packets.
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # General comments on the rule set:
- #
- # In general we would like to treat only data on a TCP link as signficant
- # for timeouts. Therefore, we try to ignore packets with no data.
- # Since the shortest possible set of headers in a TCP/IP packet is 40 bytes.
- # Any packet with length 40 must have no data riding in it.
- # We may miss some empty packets this way (optional routing information
- # and other extras may be present in the IP header), but we should get
- # most of them. Note that we don't want to filter out packets with
- # tcp.live clear, since we use them later to speedup disconnects
- # on some TCP links.
- #
- # We also want to make sure WWW packets live even if the TCP socket
- # is shut down. We do this because WWW doesn't keep connections open
- # once the data has been transfered, and it would be annoying to have the link
- # keep bouncing up and down every time you get a document.
- #
- # Outside of WWW the most common use of TCP is for long lived connections,
- # that once they are gone mean we no longer need the network connection.
- # We don't neccessarily want to wait 10 minutes for the connection
- # to go down when we don't have any telnet's or rlogin's running,
- # so we want to speed up the timeout on TCP connections that have
- # shutdown. We do this by catching packets that do not have the live flag set.
- # --- start of rule set proper ---
- # When initiating a connection we only give the link 15 seconds initially.
- # The idea here is to deal with possibility that the network on the opposite
- # end of the connection is unreachable. In this case you don't really
- # want to give the link 10 minutes up time. With the rule below
- # we only give the link 15 seconds initially. If the network is reachable
- # then we will normally get a response that actually contains some
- # data within 15 seconds. If this causes problems because you have a slow
- # response time at some site you want to regularly access, you can either
- # increase the timeout or remove this rule.
- accept tcp 15 tcp.syn
- # Keep named xfers from holding the link up
- ignore tcp tcp.dest=tcp.domain
- ignore tcp tcp.source=tcp.domain
- # (Ack! SCO telnet starts by sending empty SYNs and only opens the
- # connection if it gets a response. Sheesh..)
- accept tcp 5 ip.tot_len=40,tcp.syn
- # keep empty packets from holding the link up (other than empty SYN packets)
- ignore tcp ip.tot_len=40,tcp.live
- # make sure http transfers hold the link for 2 minutes, even after they end.
- # NOTE: Your /etc/services may not define the tcp service www, in which
- # case you should comment out the following two lines or get a more
- # up to date /etc/services file. See the FAQ for information on obtaining
- # a new /etc/services file.
- accept tcp 120 tcp.dest=tcp.www
- accept tcp 120 tcp.source=tcp.www
- # Once the link is no longer live, we try to shut down the connection
- # quickly. Note that if the link is already down, a state change
- # will not bring it back up.
- keepup tcp 5 !tcp.live
- ignore tcp !tcp.live
- # an ftp-data or ftp connection can be expected to show reasonably frequent
- # traffic.
- accept tcp 120 tcp.dest=tcp.ftp
- accept tcp 120 tcp.source=tcp.ftp
- #NOTE: ftp-data is not defined in the /etc/services file provided with
- # the latest versions of NETKIT, so I've got this commented out here.
- # If you want to define it add the following line to your /etc/services:
- # ftp-data 20/tcp
- # and uncomment the following two rules.
- #accept tcp 120 tcp.dest=tcp.ftp-data
- #accept tcp 120 tcp.source=tcp.ftp-data
- # If we don't catch it above, give the link 10 minutes up time.
- accept tcp 600 any
- # Rules for UDP packets
- #
- # We time out domain requests right away, we just want them to bring
- # the link up, not keep it around for very long.
- # This is because the network will usually come up on a call
- # from the resolver library (unless you have all your commonly
- # used addresses in /etc/hosts, in which case you will discover
- # other problems.)
- # Note that you should not make the timeout shorter than the time you
- # might expect your DNS server to take to respond. Otherwise
- # when the initial link gets established there might be a delay
- # greater than this between the initial series of packets before
- # any packets that keep the link up longer pass over the link.
- # Don't bring the link up for rwho.
- ignore udp udp.dest=udp.who
- ignore udp udp.source=udp.who
- # Don't bring the link up for RIP.
- ignore udp udp.dest=udp.route
- ignore udp udp.source=udp.route
- # Don't bring the link up for NTP or timed.
- ignore udp udp.dest=udp.ntp
- ignore udp udp.source=udp.ntp
- ignore udp udp.dest=udp.timed
- ignore udp udp.source=udp.timed
- # Don't bring up on domain name requests between two running nameds.
- ignore udp udp.dest=udp.domain,udp.source=udp.domain
- # Bring up the network whenever we make a domain request from someplace
- # other than named.
- accept udp 30 udp.dest=udp.domain
- accept udp 30 udp.source=udp.domain
- # Do the same for netbios-ns broadcasts
- # NOTE: your /etc/services file may not define the netbios-ns service
- # in which case you should comment out the next three lines.
- ignore udp udp.source=udp.netbios-ns,udp.dest=udp.netbios-ns
- accept udp 30 udp.dest=udp.netbios-ns
- accept udp 30 udp.source=udp.netbios-ns
- # keep routed and gated transfers from holding the link up
- ignore udp tcp.dest=udp.route
- ignore udp tcp.source=udp.route
- # Anything else gest 2 minutes.
- accept udp 120 any
- # Catch any packets that we didn't catch above and give the connection
- # 30 seconds of live time.
- accept any 30 any
- My diald.defs file (unchanged from stock distribution):
- # Define default protocol rules
- prule tcp tcp 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:+0:+1:+2:+3:9:9:9
- prule udp udp 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:+0:+1:+2:+3:9:9:9
- prule icmp icmp 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:9:9:9:9:9:9:9
- prule any any 9:12:13:14:15:16:17:18:19:9:9:9:9:9:9:9
- # Define the internet packet header fields.
- var ip.ihl 0(24)&0xf
- var ip.version 0(28)&0xf
- var ip.tos 1(24)&0xff
- var ip.tot_len 2(16)&0xffff
- var ip.id 4(16)&0xffff
- var ip.frag_off 6(16)&0x3fff
- var ip.ttl 8(24)&0xff
- var ip.protocol 9(24)&0xff
- var ip.check 10(16)&0xffff
- var ip.saddr 12
- var ip.daddr 16
- # Define the TCP packet header fields.
- var tcp.source +0(16)&0xffff
- var tcp.dest +2(16)&0xffff
- var tcp.seq +4
- var tcp.ack_seq +8
- var tcp.doff +12(28)&0xf
- var tcp.fin +13(24)&0x1
- var tcp.syn +13(25)&0x1
- var tcp.rst +13(26)&0x1
- var tcp.psh +13(27)&0x1
- var tcp.ack +13(28)&0x1
- var tcp.urg +13(29)&0x1
- var tcp.live +127
- # Define the UDP packet header fields.
- var udp.source +0(16)&0xffff
- var udp.dest +2(16)&0xffff
- var udp.len +4(16)&0xffff
- var udp.check +6(16)&0xffff
- # Define the ICMP packet header fields.
- var icmp.type +0(24)&0xff
- var icmp.code +1(24)&0xff
- var icmp.checksum +2(16)&0xffff
- var icmp.echo.id +4(16)&0xffff
- var icmp.echo.sequence +6(16)&0xffff
- var icmp.gateway +4
- My setup
- * 486/66 with 20 MB ram and plenty of disk space :-)
- * 16550 UARTs a plenty
- * diald 0.11, pppd 2.2.0d, kernel 1.3.95 modularized.
- Notes
- * Make sure you change the /dev/ttyS1 above to match your
- requirements.
- * Ensure that you can actually connect up with PPP by using the
- blind.ppp script.
- Questions? Email Harish Pillay -> h.pillay@ieee.org
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- _Last updated June 3rd 1996_
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